Existing WebRobots
We monitor profiles that you are intrested in and we like new posts so that you are visible to them
order web.ro.botSOCIAL CONTENT.BOT
We monitor profiles that you are intrested in and we review their performance
order web.ro.botSOCIAL COMMENTS.BOT
We monitor profiles that you are intrested in and we comment them so that you are visible to them
order web.ro.botPRICES RADAR
We monitor the prices of your competitors and let you act quickly from mobile.
order web.ro.botPRODUCTS RADAR
We monitors new products all over the marketplaces and we notify you on new specific products.
order web.ro.botSTOCK RADAR
We monitor specified products stock letting you know when you are the only one having them
order web.ro.botLEADS RADAR
We monitor possible new social leads, we filter them and we serve them as a short list, ready for comments.
order web.ro.botPHONES RADAR
We monitor new phone numbers, we validate them and we serve them as a short list, ready for cold calling.
order web.ro.botEMAILS RADAR
We monitor new emails, we validate them and we serve them as a short list, ready for direct contact.
order web.ro.botCOMPETITOR RADAR
We evaluate your competition so that you can decide quickly the best direction for your business.
order web.ro.botRATINGS RADAR
We monitor your ratings so that you can decide the best direction for your business.
order web.ro.botBRAND RADAR
We monitor specified websites for specific comments, so that you can react to your brand perception.
order web.ro.bot